The right aroma puts you in the right mood

People with an open, generous and positive approach to life create more goodwill around them than negative people who think only of themselves. Turn your back on negativity and open the door to good karma, thanks to the positive energy flows created by the aromatic fragrances of Physalis.

oregano - jeneverbes - bergamot essentiële olie Physalis
Mix of essential oils for positive vibes

The power of positivity

How can smelling a particular aroma make you feel happier?

When essential oils are diffused or used in a massage their natural aromas are released. In this way, the volatile particles of the essential oil find their way into your nose, where receptors can distinguish between 10,000 (!) different aromas.

The nose is linked directly to the brain by the olfactory tract. This also make it possible for the receptors in the nose to send signals directly to the brain.

One of the ways in which this kind of signal can be transmitted is through linalool, which is capable of significantly extending the activity of the brain’s ‘message carriers’ (the so-called neurotransmitters). Examples of neurotransmitters include serotonin and endorphin.

Stimulate your happiness hormone

Serotonin is also known as the happiness hormone. It has a positive effect on your mood and emotions. If your serotonin level is too low, you may experience sleeplessness, feelings of anxiety and even depression. In contrast, if sufficient serotonin is present in your brain, you feel happy, satisfied and open-minded. In other words, all the necessary ingredients to allow positive energy to flow through your body and to transmit that energy to those around you!

Oregano - bergamot - juniper - positive vibes Physalis
Oregano, bergamot and juniper berry give you a wonderful feeling

Formula for a positive-minded diffusion spray

  • Oregano EO 1 drop
  • Bergamot EO 4 drop
  • Juniper berry EO 3 drop

This mix of essential oils is a delightful, healthy and healing way to get rid of all your negative energy. Oregano stimulates your natural resistance; bergamot calms and motivates; and the fresh and herbal aroma of juniper berry serves as an energy booster.

Juniper berry and oregano are also disinfecting oils. If you diffuse them in their pure form, they will eliminate germs from the air whenever someone in your home is not feeling well or is coughing and sneezing all the time.

As an alternative for this formula, you can also opt for Physalis Good Karma, a ready-to-use synergy that generates super-positive vibes.

good karma essential oil Physalis
Good karma: a positive synergy of essential oils

Tips for a positive approach to life

  • Live a heathy life style, with a varied diet and sufficient exercise.
  • Take time to occasionally stop the busy carousel of life and listen to your inner voice.
  • Be honest and sincere, with yourself and others.
  • Help others when you can.
  • Be forgiving.
  • Be selfless.

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